I was asked to create a series of 3 architectural posters based on a specific theme. In this case, I chose to focus on unique hotels throughout Scandanavia and parts of Europe belonging to different hotels and bunch them under a hypothetical hotel company I called Wilderness Shacks.
Each poster is based on a subtopic I created based on the design of those hotels. Some of them were very imagination-based such as: birdnest, UFO, jumping castle... etc The second subtopic was based on hotels that were made of very basic elements and/or are of basic design, such as: a tent. The third subtopic was based on very modern-looking hotel rooms, such as: a cube with mirrors for its walls.
The shadows were a very important part of the concept because I wanted to give the posters a wilderness/camping feel to go with the concept of those hotels that provide an extremely unique experience and, even though their strucutre is very unusual, it blends harmoniously with the nature around it.