STET — Thesis Project.
Our world has changed. It has evolved drastically since the invention of movable type, and so have we.
The internet has reshaped our reading habits from linear to non-linear. The printed book, however, still retains its traditional form, which causes a disconnect between the reader and the ink on paper.
The internet has reshaped our reading habits from linear to non-linear. The printed book, however, still retains its traditional form, which causes a disconnect between the reader and the ink on paper.
This gap gave reason for stet to exist. Now stet aims to come up with new forms of the printed book to encourage more people to read print, as well as important subjects like Humanities.
The project consists of 2 redesigned books, promo booklets, a series of 3 educational booklets, a website and a biannual publication.
As for the publication, every issue, STET showcases selected books that are worth checking out for those who are print enthusiasts and are looking to expand their private collections.